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St. Patrick Catholic Church in Imogen, Iowa

Cancellation of Weekday Mass

If you have not heard by 8AM, please contact the Parish Secretary to see if Mass has been cancelled.

Cancellation of Weekend Masses & Events

Please note that cancellation of Mass and parish events is rare.

Saturday Mass

The decision to cancel Saturday Mass will hopefully be made by 3:30pm. Father Lazarus will contact the Parish Secretary. If you do not hear the announcement on the radio or see it on the parish Facebook and website pages, please call the Parish Secretary. (Depending on weather conditions and the ability to have the streets and parking lots cleaned, Sunday Mass could be cancelled on Saturday.)

Sunday Mass

The decision to cancel Sunday Mass will be made by 7:00am on Sunday or even on Saturday depending on weather conditions.

Father Lazarus, the Parish Secretary, and various organization members will be consulted before a decision is made. Our parish covers a 35 mile radius so conditions around church may not be the same as conditions where some parishioners live. Conditions of highways 34, 59 and J18 will also be considered. The Parish Secretary will update the parish website and Facebook pages. Hopefully the announcement will also be made on the Shenandoah and Red Oak radio stations. Even if Mass is not cancelled, please consider the road conditions in your area. WOWT CH6 has Sunday Mass at 10:30am, EWTN has Mass at various times, and you can watch online at

Sunday Coffee

Because of the need to cancel doughnuts early, the Altar Society can decide to cancel Coffee as early as Saturday afternoon even if Mass has not been cancelled. Watch for announcements and adjust your breakfast plans accordingly.

Faith Formation

Classes may be cancelled even if Mass is held. The DRE will check with catechists to see how the roads are in their area. If the majority of catechists cannot make it, classes will be cancelled.

Also check

Parish Secretary


Radio Stations

Shenandoah KMA 960

AM & 99.1FM

Red Oak KOAK 1080AM


Calling Tree

Callers – If you cannot reach a person on your list below who has someone to notify, please call that person for them so they, too, will be aware there is no Mass. If everyone does their part, it should not take too long for word of cancellation to reach everyone. If you have heard nothing, please contact one of the people on the list below. They should have the information as early as possible.

Father Lazarus notifies

1.) Maryanne Dailey

2.) Rita Laughlin (YFF),

3.) Dan Kinsella (FC),

4.) Kent Owens (PC) and

5.) Susie McDonald (Choir)

Rita Laughlin notifies

1.) Peggy Martin who notifies Jim & Kari Martin and Tom & Sarah Martin

2.) Bridget Campbell who notifies Amy McGargill and Amy Gutschenritter (Kari Kinsella notified by FC)

Dan Kinsella notifies


2.) Kari Kinsella (Jim Martin notified with catechists)

4.) Genene Fienup who notifies Becky Hughes & Jake McGargill

Kent Owens notifies

1.) KMA

2.) Hannah Forney who sends a FlockNote


Susie McDonald
notifies whoever is singing and playing for the Mass