Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
What is Perpetual Adoration?
It is our parishioners visiting their Lord and master for one hour at a time. Only our desire is necessary to have a personal audience with Jesus. The greatest act of Christian worship is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Jesus does not leave His Church when Mass is completed. He continues to remain in the Tabernacle. Our Church is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays for personal prayer by anyone.
Tuesday-1am-Noon; 6pm-Midnight
Wednesday-Midnight-11am; 6pm-11pm
What is the purpose of Perpetual Adoration?
To recognize continually and publicly the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist
To offer reparation for the many sins committed against God and the sacredness of all life
To form a habit of daily prayer and silence
What are the benefits and results of Perpetual Adoration?
An increased reception and reverence of the Holy Eucharist
An increase of vocations to the priesthood and the religious life
Alone time with your Lord and God
Strengthening of faith and love within your family
What is required of the individual adorer?
Each individual adorer selects one hour during the week. They promise to keep this same hour each week, 52 weeks a year.
Who may participate?
Any adult who wishes. Children are encouraged to accompany their parents so they will be eucharistically devoted as adults. St. Patrick parish has many young families that participate in Eucharistic Adoration.
“I am not sure that I can keep the same hour each week.”
In our human lives we set up a regular pattern of actions. We have certain hours of meals, housework, shopping, TV, etc. It is not really difficult to set aside the “Lord’s Hour.” We all make time for someone we love and this someone is Jesus.
Is an attendance record kept?
A registry book is kept at the entrance of the church. When the person arrives, they sign the hour they are spending with the Lord and the time they leave.
What if I get sick, or there is a blizzard?
If a list of the possible obstacles was made before any good work was begun, it would never be started. If you are
unable to attend your hour, it is your responsibility to find a substitute. Only after exhausting these sources should you contact your hourly coordinator–division leader. Please give them as much notice as possible. This is your hour and your responsibility. In case of heavy snow, the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed.
Does the priest supervise the assignment of hours?
No. An “hourly coordinator” is appointed for each hour of the day. It is this person’s responsibility to obtain new adorers for that specific hour, and get substitutes in case of an emergency. The hourly coordinator also checks the registry book to determine if all adorers have signed in for their hour.
What do I do if my relief doesn’t arrive?
1. Check adoration schedule and call the person who follows you (the phone in the sacristy does not have long-distance capability)
2. Try to find your own replacement.
3. Call Division Leader Marty Maher or Peggy Martin
4. Call Head Coordinator Anne McDonald
Must certain prayers be said during the weekly hour?
No. You have the liberty to do what you wish. Highly recommended is the practice of silence, peaceful prayer, and
the use of Sacred Scripture.
Who promotes Perpetual Adoration?
“Anyone who has found a pearl of great price should share his treasure with a neighbor.”
What is an adoration testimony?
There will be a book to write down the favors granted. Names and/or hours of adorers are not necessary. Just the petitions granted great and small. You will be surprised at the beautiful blessings that come from one hour with our Lord.
Adoration at St. Patrick Church
Tuesdays – Midnight – Noon; 6pm – Midnight
Wednesdays – Midnight – Noon; 6pm – Midnight
You are welcome to come and spend an hour with Jesus during the above times – even if you are not a regular adorer.
How can I become an adorer?
Call one of the following.
Peggy Martin: 386-2188 Evening – 6am hours
Marty Maher: 386-2124 or 712-370-4503 6am-Noon hours
Anne McDonald: 386-2177 Head Coordinator all hours
Altar Society

Faith Formation

Faith Formation classes are held in the Faith Center (brick building across from the church)and the main floor of the rectory at 9:45am-10:45am from September to April. Classes are held for Preschool to Grade 12 students. Parents need to be registered members of St. Patrick parish to enroll their child/children in our faith formation program.Contact Deann Ray to register.
Faith Formation Directors
1969-1992 – Freda Durbin
1992-2003 – Margaret Laughlin
2003-2005 – Sarah Martin (Tom)
2005 – Janie Brannen
Vicky Kelly
2011-2014 – Maria Blake
2014-2015 – Deann Ray
2015 – Maria Blake
2016 – Linda Laughlin
CCD in 1970
The school year ran from October 4, 1970-May 16, 1971. The Preschool (only 5 year olds) met twice a month on Sunday during the 10:30am Mass. Grade school met from 9-10:15am each Sunday. Junior and Senior High School students met twice a month on Sunday evening from 7-8:30pm. Tuition was $1.50 per student. There were 156 enrolled in the program. Sister Janice and Sister Aurelian assisted. James Clark was the only boy in the 10th grade with 8 girls so he went to the Junior class. The staff included: Olive Nebel & Bev McGargill (K), Mae Maher (1), Dorothy Maher with Mary Maher as sub (2), Alice Martin & Mary K Laughlin (3), Mon O’Conn or with Fannie Martin as sub (4), Gert McGargill with Irma Cheney as sub (5), Helen and Catherine Hughes (6), Freda Durbin & Helen Laughlin with Gene Durbin & Wilma Maher as subs (Grade 7/8), Roger & Bernice Meyer (Grade 9/10), Joe Hughes with Jim Nebel as sub (Grade 11), Father James Stessman with John & Margie McDonald as subs (Grade 12). Mary Dempsey was in charge of music. Pat Martin was in charge of transportation and Freda Durbin was the Principal.
Annette Campin, Karen Connors, Virginia Ditmars, Kay Hughes, Blaine Maher, Debbie Maher, Michelle Maher, Mary Kay Gipe, Pat McDonald, Lisa McGargill, NancyMcGargill, Tom McGargill, Mary Pelster, Robin Swanson
Grade 1
Joe Campin, Andrew Dinville, Teresa Ditmars, Joanne Doyle, Trent Gutschenritter, Rachel Gray, Paul Head, John Laughlin, Jerry McGargill, Steve Maher, Mary Nebel
Grade 2
Tom Campin, Teresa Dinville, Julie Gutschenritter, Lori Head, Kenny Hughes, Monica Jones, Doug McGargill, Jacque McGargill, Mark Martin, Julie Pelster
The students made their First Communion on various dates during the year.
Grade 3
Diane Dinville, Jim Gutschenritter, Lisa Gutschenritter, Carl Martin, Kevin Maher, Virginia Gray, Anita Meyer, Kent Owens, Chris Pelster
Grade 4
Donna Campin, Tony Dinville, Monica Doyle, Tony Gutschenritter, Karoline Hughes, Sherry King, Tom McDonald
Grade 5
Sharon Clark, Lisa Dinville, Erin Gray, Brenda Gutschenritter, Karla Hughes, Carl Jardon, Janet Laughlin, Brian Maher, Kala Maher, Katie Martin, Jerry Meyer, Gary Nebel, Rosie Owens
Grade 6
Julie Dinville, Stan Ditmars, Charlene Doyle, Mike Doyle, Keith Gutschenritter, Larry Head, Kelly Hughes, Kevin Hughes, Jim Laughlin, Kathy Laughlin, Steve Laughlin, Carolyn McGargill, Joe Nebel, LuAnn Owens, Mary Jo Regan
Grade 7
Joe Dinville, Chris Head, Phil Jardon, Jerry McDonald, Kim Maher, Matt Maher, Vicki Nicholas, Rick Owens, Patti Pelster, Jim Slater
Grade 8
Barbara Clark, Tommy Dinville, Joyce Ditmars, Kenny Doyle, Pat Doyle, Joe Gray, Jim Hughes, Vince Laughlin, Mike McDonald, Sandy Maher, Barb Martin, Donny Meyer, Julie Nebel, Mary Slater, Sharri Haberer
Grade 9
Becky Conners, James Doyle, Jerry Doyle, Patty Doyle, Becky Gray, Bob Gray, Patti Haberer, Norma Jardon, Jerry King, Theresa McDonald, Patti McGargill, Doug Maher, Dan Nebel, Doug Nicholas, Angela Pelster
Grade 10
Jim Clark, Vivian Dinville, Arlene Ditmars, Jacqueline Haberer, Diane Head, Mary Laughlin, Mary Martin, Beth McGargill, Janice Pelster
Grade 11
James Dinville, Bill Ditmars, Jim Head, Julie Jardon, Ricky Laughlin, Vicki Laughlin, Debbie Lukehart, Paul Martin, Jeanette McGargill, Sam McGargill, Margie Meyer, Jerry Owens, Jerry Maher, Annette Slater
Grade 12
Steve Dinville, Connie Ditmars, Joe Doyle, Raymond Hughes, Louise Jardon, Rita Hughes, Leo Martin, Therese Martin, Cathy McGargill, George Meyer, Rita Perkins, Terry Regan, Jane Saner